Sunday, March 16, 2008

Can you love a serial killer?

I've mentioned my Visionary Parenting class before and I find it incredibly eye opening on my personal parenting journey. The way it works is the whole class watches a short video each week. The speaker on the video espouses parenting wisdom based on biblical principles. After the video the class breaks into small groups of 5 or 6 to answer some discussion questions.

Our group comprised of me, my husband A.D., one other young adorable couple and an older mom, probably in here late 40's, raising two young children. The topic was that we must discipline our children while letting them know that we love them unconditionally.

As we discussed the various ins and outs of ways to do that, the older mom, whom I'll call Beatrice for the sake of anonymity off handed asked if it was possible to love a serial killer if he was your son. Hmm, we were talking about how difficult it can be taming a 6 year old. We, meaning the 4 others in the group never really thought about our children as potential serial killers. I was taken aback and let the other mom run with it. She seemed to think that one should obviously take pains to point one's child in another direction, but that ultimately one would love one's son under any circumstances.

Since I was intrigued I asked Beatrice to continue on this topic. She said that her neighbor growing up was much older but was a serial killer. I was a bit incredulous when she said he was put away in an asylum and then after treatment moved back to his childhood home beside hers. She said she often wondered how his mother felt, if she loved him still. What I'm wondering is what kind of lunatic would live next to a known serial killer?

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